Monday, March 23, 2009


Dusty has been busy the last few months studying for his CFP (Certified Financial Planning License) so Allie and I have A LOT of time on our hands with out Dad. He took the test last weekend it's a two day test 10 hours total. I would die sitting in my chair for 4 hours one day and 6 another. But he said that didn't bother him. We won't know the results for 6 weeks! But hopefully he passed it! But while he was away this weekend I decided I better start working on the girls room. I did a black, white and pink color scheme and I love it. It's not all the way done I still have the baby bumper to cover and some wall things but Allie's side of the room is pretty much done. Also, Dusty's sister Stacey bought Allie a little bench it is the cutest thing and Allie loves it. Here's some pictures of her room. Here are some pictures of Allie and her cousin Ashley they played outside and got all wet and dirty hence the no clothes or lack there of.

Also, Allie started sleeping in her "Big" girl bed and she loves it. She's been sleeping so much better. It's so cute to see her in there but weird to me that she is already this old!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it the funniest yet cutest thing to see your little baby sleeping in a toddler bed. I remember loving that. I still need to transfer Mayzie before the new baby comes. Hope you are feeling good. Miss you:)

The Risenmays said...

I love that picture of Allie! She looks so big and grown up on her little bench. Love the bedroom. It turned out so cute. Can't wait to see it in person :)

FitNotQuitJess said...

Allie is just so stinkin cute! I love the pictures of her on her bench. CUTE!

McCuistion Family said...

That turned out so cute! I love that picture of allie on the bench what a lil cutie!

ali-dot-e said...

I love Making over rooms!! yea for two girls! They will be such good friends! I also love all the toys you got out for allie and she ends up in the basket! My kids love to push each other around in the laundry baskets, too cute!

Doug and Becca said...

Her room is really cute. I love the bench. What a good idea.

Erin said...

So cute Kristin! I LOVE her room! I'm serious when I say I want you to come over and help me with Cam's room... It needs a lot of help!! You are awesome! Aren't big kid beds the best??