Monday, February 25, 2008


Okay so Allie woke up Sunday morning with a light cough and runny nose. I was a little nervous but was okay since she was acting like her normal self. It seems right now everyone I know is either getting over a cold or thinking they are getting sick so it was only a matter of time before she got it. Today Allie has the worst cough and goes on these coughing spasms where she gags herself and her eyes get all watery. My question to you all is do i just wait till she gets REALLY bad or do I take her in? She is acting normal except for a little more crying today. Her cough doesn't sound like croup or anything. You can hear that she has stuff in her throat. I suck out those boogers all the time and I make sure she has her humidifier on every night. Is there anything else to do?

Thanks for all of your help!!


Anonymous said...

Hallie has been my sick girl. Especially her first 2 years, she constantly had a cold and cough. I just always kept a humidifier and had her drink water. Her colds always passed after a few days to a week. My pediatrician once told me that young kids can have up to 100 colds or more in there first 5 years of life. He told me not to worry about it. If she is acting ok I wouldn't worry too much. The doctor would probably tell you the same thing.

The Huntsman's said...

For Kyson I also just sucked his nose out, I would first spray saline up there to help losen everything and let it sit for a minute or so and then suck it all out. I also put the humidifier on him. He would cry when he coughed and it sounded like it hurt so I would also give him Toddler Diametapp cough and cold like twice a day just when his cough sounded really bad. My pharmacist said it was ok and to only give 1/2 of the dropper that comes with it. He is eating oatmeal, I started him on rice but he got really constipated and the oatmeal is suppose to be easier to digest. I sometimes mix a little apple juice in to help keep things moving! Dont worry about all the questions I ask everyone stuff all the time too!

Frankie and Krista said...

I alwys go by the fever. They tell me in little ones that 100 or higher should be seen. Other than that it sounds like you are doing all the right stuff! There is alot going around right now. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey kristin! Oh poor baby. Braxton has had two pretty nasty colds this winter. Watch her chest congestion, make sure it isnt getting worse and watch for her cough getting worse. I took braxton for an rsv check both times he gets a cough. Make sure she has plenty of liquids. Rsv check is easy and painless. They just swab some snot from her nose. I just know rsv can be pretty bad and I know a couple of babies that have gotten it just recently. But if she is still acting ok she probably ok. The doc told me I would for sure know if it was rsv, he said the coughing is just terrible. She is so cute!

Doug and Becca said...

with Ashley's recent cold she has a cough for quite awhile. but the main thing is fever and make sure they aren't having a hard time breathing. if the stomach sucks in far or the skin pulls tight around the bottom of the ribs then i would take her in. also, if she starts not sleeping through the night, watch that. ashley ended up with ear infection in both ears. but a fever would give that away. just call the dr. office with all your questions. i seem to have been on the phone with them all month. now taylor has strep throat!!!

Doug and Becca said...

also, we would love to hang out with you guys. was that this sat march 1st of next saturday march 8th. either one we would love. we have a scout training this saturday until 1 but would be free afterwards