Time is going so fast. It's seems like I just had Avie and now she is one. I usually am excited when my kids get older. I enjoy them being able to talk to me and play with me. For some reason the night before Avies Birthday I got all sad. You need to understand with me, newborns are fun to hold and look at but to me they bring me so much anxiety. Allie ruined me. She was such a hard newborn she would cry for hours on end and I never new what to do to get her to stop. So when I see a newborn or have one I love how tiny they are but I get those anxiety feelings from when Allie was a baby and I can't wait for when they are 3 months, 6 months and a year. But now that Avie is a year I don't want her to get any older. I love the ages of my kids right now Allie is 4 Aubrie is 2 and Avie 1. We have so much fun together. We play all day Avie is starting to say Bye and Hi and just wants to be like her older sisters. My girls bring me so much happiness. I love watching them and seeing mine and Dusty's personality traits come out in each of them.
Avie was our big surprise baby. I was 7 months pregnant with Aubrie when I found out I was pregnant with her. This was not the plan they were supposed to be 2 1/2 years apart. I had a hard time in the beginning with it. I was nervous to have 3 kids under the age of 3. Patience is not my strongest trait. I love getting out of the house and I kept thinking how in the world will I do that with 3! I remember one time specifically where I was sitting in relief society and I was probably 8 months along and really feeling like how in the world am I going to do this! I started praying and I got this overwhelming feeling that if I asked for help I would not have to do it alone. It was the best feeling and reassurance that I could do this and even though we have had some rough times I know that when I ask for help I have always received it. I love that we never have to do things alone. It just takes us to make the effort and ask. When Avie was born and I held her for the first time I had this feeling come over me that she was supposed to be here on earth at this exact time. It wasn't my plan to have her that soon but it was someones else and I am so grateful that she is here now. I love having 3 girls so close. I love watching the friendships that are starting to grow between them. Avie is so special and I can't imagine life without her!
Happy 1st Birthday Avie!
One already. She is so cute. I also love your family picture on the bridge. Happy B-day Avie!
Cute family picture. 6 more months and you will be in R.S. with out someone on your lap.
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