I decided to steal this idea that I saw on another blog.
Allie 4 year old interview:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A big Tinkerbell
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite book?
Little enistien
Whats your favorite place to eat?
old McDonald (McDonald's)
Whats your favorite food?
Hamburger with no pickles
Whats your favorite song?
Heavenly Father (not sure what song this is but she kept saying it)
What is your favorite treat?
Bubble Gum
What is your favorite day of the week?
Thursday- show n tell at school
What are your favorite toys?
Ariel, squnikies and scooter
What is you favorite thing to do with Mommmy?
Play with her...play with my toys
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy:
To wrestle him
What is your favorite TV show?
Jake and the neverland pirates.
She keeps telling her birthday was the best...this makes me feel so good. My Mom always made birthday special and I hope i can do that for my kids. She started off the day with the downstairs decorated...her Jessie costume hanging from the light...thats where she wanted it. When she came downstairs she was so excited she just kept jumping up and down.
She wanted rainbow pancakes so I made those for her. Doesn't her hair look amazing!
After breakfast she and to go to school...she kept telling me...Mom now that I am 4 you don't need to walk me into preschool I can do it myself. So when we got to school she jumped out of the car and said bye Mom. So cute...she has not let me walk her in since.
After school Allie had her cousin Ashley and our neighbor boy Luke come over for lunch and games. We painted little lunch boxes and put on washable tattoos and played dress up. After that we took the kids to Kangaroo Zoo. they had a blast and played there for almost 2 hours!
The kids were all worn out when we were done
When we got home we had family over for dinner and cake. That night at bedtime she told me Mom today was the best day ever. This just melted my heart! I love my Allie girl!